Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX – Race gas calibration

Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX – Race gas calibration

On a hot & humid June day we proceeded to calibrate this vehicle.  The challenge of tuning a vehicle in the day in the south is always that after every run the car needs to be left alone to cool down. This eats up valuable tuning time, but that is just the name of the game.

During the summer we usually try to move all of our tuning to the night hours of the week.  In this case it was not possible and it needed to be done on a Saturday during the day.

After getting the car back from its initial mapping on the new turbo set up, the power was not there for the desired boost level. The client took the car back and inspected and sure nuff there were 2 items that needed attention.  Due to those 2 items it hindered the power output on that given day. Fast forward to today every issues was fixed and it was time to see what it will really do.

Mods were:

Wiseco pistons, Pauter rods, Magnus Intake manifold, FIC2150cc, Walbro 450lph, Precision PTE6466, Kelford 274 camshafts, ECMLink ecu and Fuse Hot Foot Unleaded 117 race gas.

Dyno jet simulated numbers (correction factor NONE)